Thursday, August 7, 2008

Age Out Banquet (Bloomington, IN)

Today was pretty fun. We made our field studio recordings and then went to Bloomington High School South to rehearse. We didnt rehearse for long and we didnt do much cleaning. Today was basically a review day for keeping things fresh before our 3 big shows.

After rehearsal, we showerd up and went to the annual age out banquet. The food was absolutely spectacular. We had steak, chicken, potatoes, green beans and other various types of food. Tonight was basically a night to celebrate how far we have come as a drum corps and to honor certain members and staff for their outstanding service and leadership. It was a very pleasant evening...

Tomorrow is Quarterfinals! We perform after Phantom. In case you didnt know, DCI will be broadcasting Quarterfinals live in select theaters... So you should check it out if you arent coming to the show! (check for details) I also got word that our warmup site is going to be at Binford or Bloomington South... Not sure about the validity of that, but just wanted to give a heads up in case you cant find us in the warmup lot...

Off to bed! Big day tomorrow...
Later days,

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