Saturday, August 9, 2008

DCI Semifinals (96.700)

I went ahead and posted tomorrow's schedule for everyone who is interested. I had to break it up into 2 parts so that I could fit it all...

Well, we have one day left after tonight. We had a fantastic show and the crowd was continually on their feet throughout the show. Even though we dont have a chance of winning any caption awards anymore, I still feel great about being in such a great drum corps this year. It has most definitely been a life changing experience and as long as we win the crowd's heart, I will feel more accomplishment than I would about a number on a piece of paper. Its definitely going to be an entertaining DVD to watch this fall regardless of tomorrow night's outcome...

Off to bed (for the last time!)
Later days,


Anonymous said...

Even though the biggest crowd response of the night was to Phantom's show, you guys got plenty of crowd response (more than the Blue Devils even!) Carolina Crown is performing the crap out of their show. PLUS, Crown is TWO places higher than they have ever been. This is Carolina Crown's best year in drumcorps ever.

Craig said...

After the scores Carolina Crown achieved over the course of the past week the members have to be proud. To come out in the top four of such worthy competition puts Crown in the cream of the crop. The difference is; cream just floats to the top but you guys worked your asses off to get there and earned it.

Are you able to compete next year Patrick or will you be too old? Whatever, I hope you all have a great off season and I'm very much looking forward to seeing you excel next year when Carolina Crown rocks the world.