Thursday, August 7, 2008

Quarterfinals Day Schedule

Here is today's schedule. Looks like the rumors weren't true about warmup (at least for today) Ill let you know if anything changes!

Off to rehearsal...
Later days,


Anonymous said...

I'm basically DIEING for Saturday to be here already!! Hope to get to chat with you, Patrick.


T2UDmom said...

You are AWESOME for posting the schedule! Thanks so much. Had a great time at the banquet last night. GOOOOOOOOOO CROWN!

sarahjmu said...

Hey!!It was so good to see you in Westminster this past weekend, though I wish we could've talked longer:( Anyways,I am pretty much counting down the hours for the show to start tonight...I will probably jump out of my seat in excitement during some point during the show... or awards:) Luckily I will be in the theater surrounded by my fellow band geeks, so it won't be so embarrassing. Oh, and by the way-I got a marching french horn to learn on for next summer! Best of luck tonight!! perform your butt off for the last time!! And remember, you have quite the cheering section back here in Chesapeake!!