So here we are six days later... I am posting this blog entry from an actual computer! In case you didnt know, I maintained my blog from my Motorola Q Cell Phone all summer... Who would have thought that it would have been as successful as it was? Speaking of success... what a great year for Carolina Crown! I downloaded and listened to the Audio Performance Download of our show from DCI's website... and it is fantastic! Even though I have only heard the Quarterfinals performance, (and it is very front ensemble heavy...) I can tell that I will defintely enjoy listening to this show for many years to come...
I am slowly adjusting back to real life... but I really miss being in drum corps... I always feel like I should be doing something productive... sometimes it is hard to accept that doing -nothing- is okay. After all, this is my summer vacation! Sometimes late at night, I start to feel the lack of companionship of my fellow corps members... but thanks to the help of social networking and cell phones, I can contact any of them almost instantly!
Why Bus 5? Because we are Box 5!
Well... im out for now. I will be posting a few updates in the coming weeks including a link to my photo/video gallery from the summer (consisting of over 1700+ pictures/videos combined). It is probably going to take me awhile to get everything sorted out and put up on a web server somewhere... so bear with me!
Thanks again to all of those who kept up with me this summer! It was a pleasure to post this blog!
Later days,
CMFC Patrick :D
This summer on bus 5 was awesome, I would've picked it over the brass bus anyday. You guys made it memorable.
Patrick, I hope you have a great winter at Perdue. I'm a big college basketball fan and I'll be watching you go up against Indiana during rivalry week. I've only been following Crown for three seasons so I'm still somewhat of a newcomer. Since I've been a fan I've seen the corps get better each year. I still think Crown is not far away from surprising the Cavs, Blue Devils, and Phantom, and 2009 could be the year. Thanks so much for the blogs last season. It gave me an insight I would not otherwise have had.
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