Sunday, August 3, 2008

Allentown, PA (95.400)

We made Carolina Crown history tonight! We scored a 95.4, which is the highest that the corps has ever scored... and we still have a week left! Also, we are only .5 points away from 1st place right now! All of the top 4 corps are within the half point range (95.400 - 95.900) going into finals week. We could actually win this year! As far as brass goes, we are in first place by .2!! The next corps below us has a 18.9 and we got a 19.1 tonight. The Jim Ott brass award is within our grasp!

Overall our show tonight was spectacular. We performed really well and we are getting credit for it. I think that both the judging comminuty and he fans are on our side this year... I got to see my good friend Vikram tonight and last night and he said that the show was amazing! It was awesome to see him tonight and last night. One of my favorite parts about tour is being able to see friends and family that I havent seen in a long time..

Today's rehearsal was probably the most focused and overall best that we have had all season. This morning we had some rain and lightning activity that took up a good portion of our Visual rehearsal... it eventually passed over.

It should be interesting to see how the show in Westminster, MD (another YEA show) and our two rehearsal days in the Rubber Bowl go for us leading into finals! We are on the home stretch... One week from tonight is the Drum Corps International World Championships!

Off to bed...
Later days,


Thistldown13 said...

Hey patrick,
Caught your show last night, amaaaazzing! We watched you guys practice before the show and you could see how dedicated you all were. LOVED the faces!!
My husband and kids went tonight to Westminister to see you
again. Congats on the win!

Ju said...

Good luck for the grand finales next week. I was in Allentown last saturday and I saw in the C. Crown the best show ever in brass, repertoire and musicality. You deserve to win the first place by far. If you don't, this is politics only.

Craig said...

Hi Patrick:
All that practicing is paying off. I saw Crown compete in Fort Edwards NY on July 1st and thought you guys were great then. This past Saturday I had the pleasure to watch Crown compete at Allentown and I was literally blown away. You guys were awesome. You face some tough competition in Indiana but if Crown keeps digging deep you have a very good chance of surprising a lot of people by taking the World Championship. I'll wish you guys the best of luck but it's really up to the whole Carolina Crown Corps to take it to another level. Go Crown!!!