After rehearsal, I went over to J. Birney Crum Stadium and got to watch my first drum corps show of the entire season! Up until this point, we have been performing last or near last and the show is usually over before I can get back into the stadium after changing out of uniform. I only got to watch the Madison Scouts and I really enjoyed their show. Afterwards, I left the stadium and went and found my friend Nick who marches bass drum for the Scouts. We went to eat at the Hamilton Family Restaurant, which is a famous place to eat for the Allentown regional. While we waited on our food, I ran over to the nearby laundry mat and threw my laundry in. Everything was timed out perfect and I made very efficient use of my time!
The Blue Devils lost to the Cavaliers tonight for the first time this season... It will be interesting to see how things go for us tomorow for our portion of the regional. We compete against Phantom and the Cadets (among others) tomorrow...
One week from today is Semifinals...
Off to bed!
Later days,
Practice hard, improve everyday then the scores and results will take care of themselves.
15 years ago we stayed at Raub Middle School. That year we were in pursuit of a different championship, but if I remember correctly (been a while!) that day at Raub we made a lot of progress, and in the weeks following, we managed to win the DCI Division II world championships, and finishing 21st,big dreams at the time for a 4th year corps. This year, the dreams are bigger, but it still takes the same thing to acheive them, work hard, dream big, and don't leave anything on the field. I have never been prouder to be a Crown Alumni than this year, watching you guys mix it up with the big boys! GO GET 'EM CROWN!!
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