Sunday, August 3, 2008

Westminster, MD (95.150)

Today was a great day. We were all in a really good mood because of last night and we rehearsed really well. The weather was amazing and stayed nice all day. The only thing that made the rehearsal bad was the field. It was literally on a hill and we had to march up and down it the whole day.

The show field tonight was actually worse than the rehearsal field... There was a big hill in the middle of it and patches of dirt everywhere. We had a pretty bad show, but we still scored well and beat the Cadets. Tonight was officially our last show of the season before the World Championships and our last Sunday of drum corps.

We have a long bus ride tonight so I need to get some sleep. We are pulling it old school tonight and getting off the bus and going straight into rehearsal. We will be in Akron, OH at the Rubber Bowl for the next two days rehearsing into finals week. It should be a long couple days...

Off to sleep...
Later days,


Thunderbone said...

Saw the show tonight, and I have to say I was greatly impressed with the pure power the show delivers. Great work and good luck at finals.

BodyByButter said...

Hey Patrick! Just an update - we're bringing 40 from the band here plus some adults, so you'll have a nice cheering section Saturday!

T2UDmom said...

Hey Patrick!
Great to see the corps at WCU, Allentown and Westminster! We're off to IN soon. Is there a place where your IN daily schedule is posted other than at the food truck?

Good Luck!

Unknown said...

sorry about the field.
i go to that school and i hate learning drill on it. it works better if you march the opposite way you were, but that's more complicated for the major.
it was an amazing show though.
good luck!!