Saturday, July 19, 2008

Fire Ants! (San Antonio, TX)

Today was a really long day... We ended up rehearsing until 11:30pm CST! This morning's rehearsal field was covered in fire ant hills... I think I got bitten by at least 10 ants. We had a little tornadic/t-storm activity in the mid-afternoon that made us have to cut out of rehearsal early...

We had clouds most of the day today but they somehow always seemed to dodge the sun! I got a temperature reading at the hottest part of the day today... 106 degrees! It wasn't nearly as humid as Lafayette, LA... but it was definiely a scortcher!

Tomorrow is a big day for Carolina Crown. We have our DCI Southwestern Championships regional tomorrow! We dont perform until sometime past 10:30pm CST because we are the last corps to perform tomorrow evening. Also, we get to perform the encore! I am axnious to see how we handle tomorrow's performance because it will be our first time in an indoor facility. (not to mention there will be a jumbotron!) Tomorrow is also technically our first full regional. It will be the first time that all of the corps see each other head-to-head. I am interested to see how things turn out!

If you are interested and have a subscription to the DCI Fan Network, you can watch our show live as we perform via webcast! Be sure to check that out if you are able... We will likely be on around 11:30pm EST...

Well, I have a few things to do before lights out... Big day tomorrow!
Later days,

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