Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Lafayette, LA (87.700)

I definitely felt like I was in the South today... We had full bursting sun all day long and no rain. It was really humid and we had some really tiring moments. We ended up doing production runs of each of our musical numbers instead of doing a run through. During the run of the opener, my horn got nailed by a flag and now my top lip is brusied and swollen... It was not fun to play with...

Today was a shorter day for us because we were one of the first groups to perform at the show. In fact, we performed before the intermission. I really wanted to see the Blue Stars show tonight, but we had to leave around the same time that they were going on.

The stadium that we were in was really big and we had to go through a tunnel to get on the field. The show was at the University of Louisiana, (home of the Ragin' Cajuns!) and the atheletic complex that we performed at was really nice. Unfortunately, we lost to the Cadets (they got 88.500)... But hopefully we can come back and beat them tomorrow night! We are in Houston tomorrow and are headed towards San Antonio by the end of the week!

Off to bed...
Later days,

1 comment:

GwenGator said...


Really enjoying your blog! So sorry to hear about your run-in with the flag--I whacked a mello back in the day.

Keep up the good work--we'll see you all back here for NightBEAT!

Gwen Tant