Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Erie, PA (77.000)

What a day... We had a really long bus ride last night... I think that we got to Erie around 10 am... Once we got there, we went into the gym and hung out for a half hour or so then ate and rehearsed. The mail came today and all the mellophones got new mouthpieces! The ones that we had were eroded and had been giving people brass poisoning on their lips (myself included).

Today was a really short day in terms of physical rehearsal time... but it seemed really long. When we went outside to rehearse it started raining and it rained until we finished rehearsing. If you read back to one of my earlier blog entries from May... You may find that wet socks + me dont mix very well... I think they may have even put me in a bad mood at one point (yes, I was a Krabby Patty)... Nonetheless we pushed through rehearsal really hard and it paid off tonight at the show.

I performed at the Erie show back in '06 with Madison and I was really surprised to find out that the performance venue had changed since then. It was still a turf field, but it was at a different stadium.

I had a really good show. In fact, I think toight was my personal best run to date! Hopefully I can surpass that tomorrow for our show in upstate NY.

Off to get some sleep...
Later days,


Stu said...

Hi Patrick,
Saw your show at Madison on the Fan Network. I loved the changes since Bloomington,keep working hard.

Stu said...

Almost forgot,
Tried to watch Cadets, didn't make it past 4 minutes, ouch!